In June 2024 I posted an article called “Mark Carney: The Prodigal Grifter”, ( detailing his history, grifts, and conflicts of interest. I alluded to the fact that he was being prepared to be the next Prime Minister of Canada and that this preparation was nearing its fruition.
Why a citizen journalist like me would be the one to break this story and not one of the presstitutes of the MSM is obvious when you know the ins and outs of the “Game of Deception”, otherwise known as politics. It is a game of suspended animation, where the personality of the candidate is molded and sculpted like a work of art while streams of life force are slowly and meticulously breathed into its essence that the media unfolds one or two layers at a time in conjunction with periods of short or long-term hibernation, until the great unveiling.
My first clue was in 2022 when Carney published an op-ed in the Globe and Mail titled “It’s Time to End the Sedition in Ottawa” about the Canada Trucker occupation in the nation’s capital. That was all that was needed to propel government to physically remove the “seditionists” from the borders of parliament and immobilize whatever bank accounts they deemed as a threat to their authoritarian stranglehold. Since then, there have been timely leaks and carnal sightings (, and talk show appearances carefully shaping and texturing the aura of the future “saviour” of Canada, minus the Ghislaine Maxwell photos of course.
Then in September of 2024 Mr. Carney was brought in as an official strategist for the economy by the (neo) Liberal Party. This undermined Chrystia Freeland as the Finance Minister (who has no finance background) and formally brought Carney to the forefront as the heir apparent.
It is not common knowledge, mainly because most Canadians prefer to live under the wand of a conjuring magician and deny reality, but Mark Carney has been advising the PM imposter Trudeau for years and probably since 2015 (
The Trudeau economic response to the corona hoax was all Carney, as was the “freezing” of bank accounts in 2022. The Trudeau carbon tax scheme and green initiative Net Zero collusion, all failures, are Mark Carney orchestrations. (
This is not to say that he is the mastermind of all these policies, but rather the implementer who pulls the strings and steers the ship. He too is a puppet of his globalist paymasters and a dutiful employee who profits immensely from his sojourns with the U.N. as special envoy for climate change, and Brookfield and the World Economic Forum financial fornications. He is a delivery boy, no more and no less. And what is the delivery? Economic mayhem and inevitable bankruptcy. No more and no less. Why? Look no further than this. (
Mark Carney is a conman and a trickster, a schemer and a swindler. He is a technocrat, central banker, climate alarmist, and an almost newly minted power-starved politician. He accepted all the accolades during the 2008 financial crisis when he had only just inherited the job months before. Are we really so sure Canada didn’t bail out its banks?? (
He politicized the Brexit vote during his tenure with the Bank of England when traditionally bankers should remain politically neutral. (
And now he will be uniting the country to face a common enemy in President Trump and his Tariff scheme when all the Liberal party had to do was clean up the leaky border issues to avoid the tariffs. Sounds sensible enough, but wait, that’s impossible with a prorogued government isn’t it.
So, Canada has no government right now and is facing American tariffs that Trump will likely cut back after cutting a deal most likely after Carney ascends to the throne. Carney will be viewed as a hero and Trump buster while the media will be given 6 months to polish the techno-bankster up to a glorious shine for the federal election in the fall.
We are witnessing the twilight of a country maligned by a broken public. I cannot blame the elected officials, whom I loathe vociferously, tasked to preserve western values but then trample them, to protect public institutions but then dismember them, to bolster freedoms but then shackle them, to safeguard our children only to sterilize them, to secure truth in media only to replace truth with lies or half-truths. And the reason I cannot blame them is because the mask is off for all to see and the citizenry dare not look at the leprous disease infested grimace beneath.
Living a lie is safe and convenient today. Truth is viewed as conspiracy yet history is replete with conspiracy and no one can deny this, yet the evidence of truth is held in contempt even before investigation. Now safety has become more important than freedom and truth lives in a realm far away, or in a Tolkien novel on a bookshelf.
Thanks Alex. Yeah, we're in deep here in Canada particularly Toronto. I'm going to read your article now. Love your work!
Excellent, and very interesting. Also, I just posted an article that mentions the soulless prodigal grifter ghoul Carney.